Sustainability and Machine Learning Group
Sustainability and Machine Learning Group
César Hervás-Mart\ńez
On the use of evolutionary time series analysis for segmenting paleoclimate data (2019)
Partial order label decomposition approaches for melanoma diagnosis (2018)
Dynamically weighted evolutionary ordinal neural network for solving an imbalanced liver transplantation problem (2017)
Synthetic semi-supervised learning in imbalanced domains: Constructing a model for donor-recipient matching in liver transplantation (2017)
A review of classification problems and algorithms in renewable energy applications (2016)
A study on multi-scale kernel optimisation via centered kernel-target alignment (2016)
Fisher score-based feature selection for ordinal classification: A social survey on subjective well-being (2016)
Machine learning paradigms for weed mapping via unmanned aerial vehicles (2016)
Representing ordinal input variables in the context of ordinal classification (2016)
Selecting patterns and features for between-and within-crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery (2016)
Semi-supervised learning for ordinal Kernel Discriminant Analysis (2016)
Tackling the ordinal and imbalance nature of a melanoma image classification problem (2016)
An experimental comparison for the identification of weeds in sunflower crops via unmanned aerial vehicles and object-based analysis (2015)
Oversampling the Minority Class in the Feature Space (2015)
An evolutionary neural system for incorporating expert knowledge into the UA-FLP (2014)
An n-spheres based synthetic data generator for supervised classification (2013)
Borderline kernel based over-sampling (2013)
Memetic Pareto differential evolutionary neural network used to solve an unbalanced liver transplantation problem (2013)
Multi-scale Support Vector Machine Optimization by Kernel Target-Alignment. (2013)
Projection-Based Ensemble Learning for Ordinal Regression (2013)
An ensemble approach for ordinal threshold models applied to liver transplantation (2012)
Ordinal classification of depression spatial hot-spots of prevalence (2011)