SML@NeurIPS 2020

Conference Papers

Workshop Papers

  • Daniel Lengyel, Janith Pentangoda, Isak Falk, Kate Highnam, Michalis Lazarou, Arinbjörn Klbeinsson, Marc Deisenroth, Nicholas R. Jennings. GENNI: Visualising the Geometry of Equivalences for Neural Network Identifiability. NeurIPS Workshop “Differential Geometry meets Deep Learning”

  • Mihaela Rosca, Theophane Weber, Arthur Gretton, Shakir Mohamed. A case for new neural networks smoothness constraints. NeurIPS Workshop “I cannot believe it is not better”




  • New in ML Affinity Workshop. Panel with Hugo Larochelle, Finale Doshi-Velez, Devi Parikh, Marc Deisenroth, Julien Mairal, Katja Hofmann, Phillip Isola, and Michael Bowling
Marc Deisenroth
Marc Deisenroth
Google DeepMind Chair of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence