Individual Projects
- Nathan D’Souza (UCL)
- Sree Sanakkayala (UCL)
- Clare Grogan (UCL)
Individual Projects
- Justin Koo (UCL): Robust Robotic Grasping Utilising Touch Sensing
- Kaloyan Rusev (UCL): Safe Model-based RL with Neural Network Ensembles
- Jeffery Wei (UCL): Simultaneous Unknown Object Shape Reconstruction and Pose Estimation During Active Non-prehensile Tactile Exploration
- Max Norman (UCL): Gaussian Process Regression for Gridded Domains
- Eirik Baekkelund (UCL): Probabilistic Solar PV Nowcasting
- Rafael Anderka (UCL): Efficient Data Assimilation With Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Through Markov Structures
Individual Projects
- Ronald MacEachern (UCL): Sea Ice Freeboard Interpolation using Gaussian Process Regression
- Sean Nassimiha (UCL): Modelling Solar Power Production withSpatio-Temporal Variational Gaussian Processes
- William Bankes (UCL): AutoEncoding Normalising Flows Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
- Rares-Ioan Jordan (UCL): On the Spectral Stability of DeepReinforcement Learning Algorithms
- Bengt Lofgren (UCL): Boundary-aware Gaussian Processeses
- Christopher Tan (UCL): Towards an Artificial Scientist
- Maria Kapros (UCL): Analysis of state propagation and policy learning in model-based RL
Individual Projects
- Lucas Cosier (UCL)
- Nanxi Zhang (UCL)
- Zuka Murvanidze (UCL)
- Alexander Norcliffe (UCL)
- Chanel Sadrettin-Brown (UCL)
- Eiki Shimizu (UCL)
- Ilana Sebag (UCL)
- Kai Biegun (UCL): Robustness through Online Action Correction for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
- Kamiylah Charles (UCL)
- Piotr Tarasiewicz (UCL)
- Ross Murphy (UCL)
- Rui Li (UCL): Learning Input-Conditional Invariances via the Marginal Likelihood
Individual Projects
- Andreas Hochlehnert (UCL): A Contact-Aware Symplectic Integrator Network
- Carlos Xu (UCL): Autoencoder Gaussian Process for High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization
- Lorenzo Minto (UCL): Gaussian Process Regression and Multi-task Learning for Commodity Spot Price Forecasting
- Michelangelo Conserva (UCL): A Novel Kernel for Ranked Data
- Neil Leiser (UCL): Nowcasting Solar Photovoltaics Output based on Satellite Images
- Thomas French (Imperial College): Analyzing Fuel Load from GPS
Individual Projects
- Mergahney Mohammed (AIMS Rwanda): Deep Convolutional Gaussian Process Residual Learning for Image Recognition
- Jonas Ngnawé (AIMS Rwanda): Scalable Inference with the Wasserstein Barycenter of Distributed GPs
- Jean Kaddour (Imperial College): Active Learning of Task Space
- Alexandre Maraval (Imperial College): Robust MPC with Learned Gaussian Process Dynamics Models
- Samuel Ogunmola (Imperial College): Likelihood-Free Variational Inference and Model-Based Trajectory Matching
Individual Projects
- Zhe Dong (Imperial College): Distributional Robust Adversarial Training
- Mike Scott (Imperial College): Neural Network Transparency through Comparison to Regression Models
Individual Projects
- Karl Taylor: (Imperial College) Symposter: A Minimally Intrusive Application for Enhancing Poster Session Effectiveness
- James Gartland (Imperial College)
- Riccardo de Lutio (Imperial College)
- Georg Grob (Imperial College): Predicting when customers return: a recurrent neural network-based survival model
- Pavan Pinnaka (Imperial College): Robust Grasping & Projectile Catching
- Samuel Coope: Arbitrary Program Generation Using Deep Learning
- George Ivanov (Imperial College):
Deep Generative Models for Musical Notation
- Charles Avornyo (AIMS Senegal): Algorithm for Large-Scale Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes
Group Projects
- Paul Vidal, Elyas Addo, Louis Blin, Florian Emile, Corentin Herbinet, Saturnin Pugnet: House Price Predictions in London
Individual Projects
- Rajkumar Conjeevaram Mohan (Imperial College): Speech Recognition using Deep Learning
- Ahmed Osman (Imperial College): Data Efficient Learning and Control in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
- Ryutaro Oikawa (Imperial College): Variational Inference and Expectation Propagation for State-Space Estimation
- Steven Kingaby (Imperial College): Postr: The Poster Competition Voting System
- Bryan Liu (Imperial College): On Overlapping Community-based Networks: Generation, Detection, and their Applications
- Ross Baker (Imperial College): Unsupervised Learning of Low-Dimensional Representations with Autoencoders
- Katsushi Minamizono (Imperial College): A Survey of Anomaly Detection Methods using Machine Learning
- Sanket Kamthe (Imperial College): EEG Data Modelling
- Simon Olofsson (Uppsala University): Probabilistic Feature Learning Using Gaussian Process Auto-Encoders
- Mawulolo K. Ameko (AIMS Senegal): Human Motion based Classification of Friedreich’s Ataxia Disease
Group Projects
- Radu Gheorman, Adela Baciu, Christopher Lockwood, Suryansh Rastogi, Alfonso White: Delta (Imperial College): A London House Price Prediction App
- Michaelbrian Cheung, Chun Chan, Yuliya Gitlina, Chun Ho, Artem Kalikin, Samuel Wong (Imperial College): Guess my Social Age (Project with Starcount, supervised by Ben Chamberlain)
- Steven Kingaby, Ilie-Cosmin Paunel, James Stewart, Dharmesh Tailor, Karl Taylor (Imperial College): Parallel Ninja: Practical Topic Modelling on Domains
- Dragos Dumitrache, Tudor Cosmiuc, Daniel Hernandez, Claudia Mihai, Madalina-Ioana Sas, Alvaro Sevilla (Imperial College):
- Seek: Topic Modelling and Semantic Interpretation on Unstructured Data
Individual Projects
- Aaron Ng (Imperial College): Machine Learning for a London Housing Price Prediction Mobile Application
- Pete Turnbull (Imperial College): Predicting the Outcome of Online eBay Auctions using Techniques from Machine Learning
- John Assael (Imperial College): From Pixels to Torques: Policy Learning using Deep Dynamical Convolutional Networks
- Doniyor Ulmasov (Imperial College): Fast Bayesian Optimization with Dimension Scheduling
- Adrien Payan (Imperial College): Predicting Car Tyre Degradation in Formula One Races
- Ioannis Kasidakis (Imperial College): Pit Stop Predictions in Formula One with Machine Learning
- John Gingell (Imperial College): Data Analysis in the Context of Formula One Racing: State Estimations from Race Car GPS
- Graham Walker (Imperial College): Race Car Lap Time Prediction from GPS
- Ian Walker (Imperial College): Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain Computer Interface using Motor Imagery
- Johan Kestenare (Imperial College): Wearable Sensors for Skier Movement Analysis (with Paul Ginzberg and MotionMetrics)
- Adrian Millea (Imperial College): Information Geometry for Machine Learning
Group Projects
- Vitalii Protsenko, Michael Douglas, Sangwon Lee, Ben Magistris, James Rodden, Yeona Kim (Imperial College): Insight — London Housing Price Prediction App, 2015
- Christophe Steininger, Finlay Curran, Jaime Lennox, Ben Lindsey, Louis Mackie, Thomas Kaplan (Imperial College): AI Racing Challenge, 2015 (Project with G-Research)
Individual Projects
- Jun Wei Ng (Imperial College): Hierarchical Gaussian Processes for Large-Scale Bayesian Regression
- Yuanruo Liang (Imperial College): Model-based Apprenticeship Learning for Robotics in High-Dimensional Spaces
- Pedro A Martínez Mediano (Imperial College): Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Helicopters
Group Projects
- Ying Deng, Edward Khon, Yuanruo Liang, Terence Lim, Jun Wei Ng, Lixiaonan Yin (Imperial College): GPU Implementation of Gaussian Processes, 2014
- Albert Busquets Armengol, Michele Lo Russo, Francesco Perrone (Imperial College): Practical State Representation in the Invasive Species Domain of the Reinforcement Learning Competition